The ``Utilities'' menu

  ARCGSH   File   Configuration    Utilities    Options   
         Copy file ...      
         Move file ...      
         Delete file ...      
         Create folder ...      
         Delete folder ...      

Arcgsh offers you a very simple tool for basic file manipulation. You can copy, move3 and delete a file, create and delete a folder by selecting the corresponding menu item. The file resp. folder names are requested by the GEM file selector box.

``Copy file'', ``Move file'':
These functions ask for the file to be copied resp. moved with the GEM file selector box. Then the file selector box appears once again and asks for the destination filename. (As I said, very simple.)

In case the file is to be copied/moved into another folder but with the same basename4 it is sufficient to specify the destination directory, not the full destination filename. To do this navigate the file selector box to the destination folder and simply click at \framebox{\sf OK}. You do not have to select or type any filename.

``Copy file'' and ``Move file'' both preserve the creation date and time of the file to be copied/moved as well as the file attributes (read/write access or read-only access etc.)

Another word about the ``Move file'' function: If a file is to be moved to another folder on the same disk the ``Move file'' function is very efficient because the contents of the file itself does not have to be copied.5

``Delete file'', ``Create folder'', ``Delete folder'':
These functions do what their names say. The GEM file selector box lets you specify the desired file/folder name.